[PF] Dr.Feelgood

 80  0  25  15  7240
116586 ID
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Track Information
Author Time
Type Race
Environment Stadium
Car Stadium
Tags PressForward
Routes Single
Difficulty Lunatic
Mood Sunrise
Offline records
Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Track Value
LB Replay counts towards leaderboard () or not () (more info)
/ Penalty Only Platform tracks: Respawn penalty time added to race time
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the track
Only Puzzle tracks: Replay is locked for 30 days after upload
Online records (powered by Dedimania)
Author Comments

Let me present my fist and maybe my last PF track xD
Im very proud of this track, iv used many hours on it, actually 80 hours
So i hope you all will love it as much as i do

Its a track with alot of stunts and jumps
Some very smooth jumps and flips

Like i said, iv used about 80 hours on it, and 1 moth and 2 weeks
Its no wallbounce
Alot of speed and smoothness

The great screen is made by on of my best freieds on TMX and msn, Metal_snake

Now try my track and have fun
Hope you all enjoy the crazy ride

Thanks to Tomdeos i now have a video Thank you


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